Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Fletcher Family

 These kids are to funny , Hanna the youngest did want to be there , Camille thought she was a run way model posing for the camera, and  Keegan , is just a funny kid! All these things combined made for a fun filled morning with the Fletcher family!

Monday, August 27, 2012


I have had a few people contacting me wanting some info so here it is..

. Till the end of this Month ( Sept) I charge 75$ for a session...after that it will go up to $100
. A session includes a 1-3 hour session in a couple different locations.... its tons of fun!
. Size does not effect the price...
. Events do... example a wedding that is 7 hours long will be more then 75$ .. it works out to 75$ for every 3 hours..
. I will travel all I ask is for gas for one way ... I live in Lethbridge and will do surrounding areas..
.I will edit your photos and get them back to you on a burned cd , for you to then go and print off size and amount were ever you would like.. I will edit them a couple different ways to give you some choices to choose from... Hope this answers your questions .
You can contact me at mbmcclung@hotmail.com /403 388 4111... Thanks everyone

von Chorus family shoot

These girls were so cute..they got all dressed up in there grandmothers German outfits for the shoot and we headed down to take some pictures just as the sun was going down...

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Family shoot

This was one large family shoot....It included the Grandparents, there children and there grandchildren...and it was at the acreage that they had decided to sell...This family was crazy and tons of fun! I enjoyed spending the afternoon with them! Here is just a few of the many photos we took!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Alice "senior" photos

I had so much fun with Alice, she was so easy to take pictures of .. its probably has to do with the fact that she is gorgeous...and fun...and cute...and ...willing to try anything!

Michaelas senior photos

I love this girl , she is amazing.. and I can say that cause she is my sister.. we headed out to get some "senior" photos done for her, and had a blast laughing and playing around....is she not beautiful?

How it all began.....

Hi everyone ,I'm super excited to be taking on a new challenge...I have found myself being asked over and over again from family friends and relative to bring my camera out and snap some shots for them.. Soon I found my summer was booked up with taking photos for other people.. The truth is i love pictures .. LOVE LOVE LOVE them, I have them everywhere in my house and I'm always taking snaps of my kids and things were doing .. why? Cause my kids are my life , I love them and I want to remember every little thing about them... like when they got into the bum cream and smeared it all over there body, or there first tooth, going to school , playing together on the floor.. that's a good one to take a photo of cause it just does not happen to often.. I love to look back on photos I have taken and remember everything that's important to me , so when people started to ask me to take picture I was excited , I got to help them remember something that was really important to them... can it get any better!!