Thursday, September 13, 2012



Exciting Deal ...

So some might already know but I have a awesome summer deal on till the end of Sept .. 75$ for a 2-3 hour session a couple different locations..Included is 50-100 edited photos on a disk.. That way you can print off as many as you want where ever you want ....
BUT I'm excited let you know I have a awesome Winter deal going on..and it Starts Today... So here's
 is some info for you..

.Cassie, From Cassandra's designs, is a Freelance Graphic can check her out Here on face book..she is awesome ... has teamed up with me to make a amazing deal for you!! I will do a family / couple session for you .....edit all the photos , e-mail a few to you to pick from.. you will choose your favorites, then Cassie will whip up 3 different super cute Christmas cards for you... Will burn your pictures onto a disk along with a copy of your card and you can make as many and you would like to send out to anyone and everyone! How Awesome .. right ? But this is really the best part.. as long as it is booked before Dec1 ... this "winter" special is only $100 for EVERYTHING!! A photo session and Christmas cards in one .. how easy is that ... and stress free! Make sure to book soon though to make sure you get your Christmas cards in time! / or leave me a comment !

New born baby Nolan...and the Taylor Family!

 The plan was for me to Head up to the hospital when Laura went into Labor to capture the moment he was born .. But baby Nolan came just to fast , So I went up when he was a couple hours old and snapped some shots of him with his big brothers and mom and dad..IS he not so stink-en cute ... and small? I'm so happy for these guys they are our good friends and I could not be more excited for them! Congrats! 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

cutie pie...

I Just love these guys.... and I love  other one also but he would not cooperate enough to get his photo done.. I had about 2 mins to get a good one... better luck tomorrow on our shoot...

Rachel and Nates Wedding..

I'm so happy for this family, there parents got remarried and I was able to be apart of there special day.. I honestly wish I could post all the photos cause there is to many super cute ones.. but here is just a little sample from there wedding day.... and are there boys not the cutest boys ever!!