Monday, October 29, 2012

Cahoon family

It was one of the most beautiful mornings with the snow falling and everything nice and crisp...but it was so cold.. but they did wonderful ...look how cute those little pink noses are!


I love these guys there are good friends and they have the cutest two boys ever... we had so much fun with these silly guys !


I have been super busy this past week with photos , editing and getting them out ... its been great though I love spending time with your family and snapping away...

This is from the Thom kids... they wanted to get some photos done to surprise there parents for Christmas..there my cousins and I love them to bits , it was freezing outside, not that you can tell they were troopers...and are they not just such a beautiful family!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

First snow and a two day shoot!

Baby Logan and his mommy and daddy , were so good .. it called for a snow storm and boy did it get cold fast.. so we ended up in a barn taking some snap shots of them.... which ended with tons of the next day we headed out for round two capturing baby Logans "First snow fall"

Busy busy boy....

What a great family this was.. and the little boy ... he was so busy so I just followed him around snapping photos .. he was way to fun !

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Laidlaw kids...

Really , could they get any cuter? These two were so wonderful... I have to say it might just be cause I have a 5 year old and 2 year old also , but they just made me laugh .. I could have spent all day taking pictures of them .. if they would of let me ...and well they did not want to spend anymore time with me... Thanks for the fun night !

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Busy Busy ...

Hey everyone , I would like to thank all the interest this past couple weeks , I have been kept super busy .. But thats ok Cause I love taking photos of your cute little families.. I hope to be up to date and posting all my new sessions in the next couple days .. fingers crossed.. I am now booking Nov and Dec shoots and im working on a great new deal for those brides out there.. Exciting!! stay tuned !!!

my little family..

I LOVE MY FAMILY ...they mean everything to me , so if it seems like i really like this family photo shoot ... I do , I think there really cute!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

one large family...

This was one large family, with super cute melt your heart kids... which made for a fun and exciting day!