Monday, December 23, 2013

Funa Wedding

I was so lucky to be apart of one of my sisters friends weddings , I grew up in the same neighbor hood as these 2 who lived only a couple doors down from each other ( of course I was much older then them ) but non the less were from the same neck of the woods! I was so honored to help them remember there special day and to be apart of it! and Thanks for being such troopers in the freezing and VERY windy day we had to work with ! Congrats !

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Last day of the Giveaway

Hey guys .. Thanks for waiting o so nice for the winner for an extra day .. the winner of the gift pack from day is 6 is ....Shannon Arnaud.. pleas msg me for pick up info and congrats !

Today is a Tad different its super easy! For the last day I just wanted to give something from me .. as a Thank you for playing along  and for being awesome clients and for being so patience and bla bla bla ..the list could go on and on I decided to put together a prize from McClung photography ...

This Is a family surprise pack ( that's what makes it fun ) Its FULL of surprises and I'm only going to name a few here ... It has LOTS of treats and goodies for a night in as a family .. It has a couple of our families favorite movies .. Christmas and everyday.. IT has 2 large bags on Kernels popcorn .It may have a gift card somewhere for some pizza  :) got to eat while watching movies right .. candy and pop..and IT also has a Free family session gift card , for your family to get free family photos on me ...and well there a few other fun things !!
so how to enter ... This is what you have to do ...Head over to my Facebook and pick a random # between 1-1500 Closest one wins. Easy right .. then if you don't mind doing one more thing for me .. copy this and put it to your statues .. I LOVED McClung photography's 7 days of Christmas Giveaway!
Thanks so much guys your awesome and Thanks for playing along .. Next week I will have  4 deals posted onto my Facebook group for you guys who might be interested in getting something for someone for stay tuned for that!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Day 6 ...and coming to the end !

Well Everyone were coming up to the end of our Giveaway and it has been a huge success! so Thanks to all the business and you for playing along!
Our Day 5 winner who will be sporting a beautiful tan this winter while were all white is .. Jennifer Smith Burton ...msg me for pick up details .. congrats ..

Up today is something a little different , I have a gift basket full of yummy goodies .. It has some amazing cheese from Agapur cheese , some sparking apple juice  and Crackers,  lindors chocolates, the Gord Bamford Christmas cd, a Gift card to m and m meats , a Free couples session from McClung photography and a super cute purse from yummy mummy shoes... Its Full of AWESOME stuff .. you don't want to miss this pack !

Today's easy to enter .. by heading over to Here and Like Yummy mummy shoes ....
and Then Head over Here and Like this page ....If you have already liked it .. Leave me a comment letting me know you entered !

Good luck and Stay warm today its Freezing out !

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Day 5

Day 4 winner is...Michaela Thom 
and were onto Day 5 ..and The prizes for the last 2 Day you don't want to miss .. It includes an assortment of  Prizes so make sure to check back for Day 6 and Day 7 ! 

Today up is 2 Studio spray tans Great way to look nice and tanned in the winter with out damaging your skin!

To enter Head over HERE and Give B Bronzed mobile tanning some Love by Liking her page! 
Then Head over HERE and Like this page .. If  you already like this page then all you have to do is Leave me a comment on my wall telling me what you want for Christmas!! 
Good Luck guys today's Nice and easy ! and Make sure to check back tomorrow you WONT want to miss the last to prizes! 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

DAy 4 ..

Hey everyone I hope you all stayed warm in your homes and enjoyed a snow day yesterday , I was surprised but our numbers they went way down, we did not have to many people that entered .. so if you  are not entering the prizes you should you don;t want to miss out on it, there some more great ones coming up !
so first lets get right to to it today , we have 2 winners , but names were taken from the random name picker , if you did any of the tasks your name was entered for BOTH prizes , but you could have done extra ones for extra entries , I hope that clears it up a bit .. so the winner of the hair clips and head band is .....Tarrin Marcia   congrats please msg me to collect your prize ..
2nd winner for the 50$ gift certificate , great for christmas presents goes to ....Diana Anderson congrats to you also .. also please msg me for pick up options .. Thanks so much everyone ..

ok here we go Today were teaming up with MISH from Lethrbidge , its a awesome , and i cant get enough of there clothes, so im super excited to be working with them to bring you this cute prize ..

she is giving away this super cute lace vest , I want to win this! 
So today is easy ..all you have to do is 
1.head over HERE to MISH  give her some love and LIKE her page ... and then copy and paste this to her wall .. Day 4 of the giveaway and it rocks ! 
2.Head over HERE and LIKE the main page... and then copy and paste this to the wall ...Day 4 of the giveaway and it rocks ! 
3. For extra points all you have to do its copy this to your statues for 3 extra entries.. 
Day 4 of McClung photography giveaway go check it out

Thats all today so go have fun and good luck !!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Well it is FREEZING out there today , I hope everyone can stay home and drink hot chocolate ...and Get excited about Day 3 of the Christmas Give away ! ..

Thank so much for everyone who is playing along , Im having so much fun getting to know everyone a little better! I now know you love Love Christmas and that spending time with family is what is important to you ! so fun!!
ok ok enough ... I know you want to know who won those fabulous lashes by Ang ! First I have to say Ang does an amazing Job , I really do love my full lashes ..and her Prices are SO cheap ! so even if you did not win and want some msg her cause I almost fell over when I heard what she charges more then  half off other places .. So with that the Lucky winner is ...o First I should tell you that I use a Random name generator .. It helps me and saves me time is you post on my wall how many points you got .. other wise I have to go through and check all the likes , and shares , and comments manually .. It can take some time !
ok now I will tell you who won .. hehe  Congrats to Matt-Share Thomas your our day 2 lucky winner .. Congrats ! you need to msg Lashes by Ang and set up a time that works for you guys to meet up!

Now onto Day 3 .. Today we have 2 things to draw for ! I figures with it being a crappy day I could warm u up with some excitement

First up From Just a touch by Carlee , she is offering some darling little girls accessories... I have bought them for my daughter and they are tiny and beautiful and so elegant. ( the one you will win the bottom one is a clip)
 1.  So to enter this draw Head over to HERE and go and give her some love by liking her page..
2. If you have Not already head over Here and Like my page ..I also liked to feel loved hehe..
when you have done that go Here again and comment under my link and tell me what you did ..

Prize #2

A 50$ gift certificate good to McClung photography ...It can be used on any session!
and If you want to win this you need to do a couple things
1. Go over to McClung photography and Share the link for the give away , every share is 1 entry..make sure to report back and let me know how many you did ..
2. Do 1 good deed for someone else today..and then tell me what it was ..

Monday, December 2, 2013

Day 2 of the Chirtsmas give away !

Well how exciting , we had over 120 names submitted in the random name picker .. lots had there name in 5, 6, 7 times .. so good job and Thank you...and with that one of your winners did just this .. she was busy sharing and updating her statues and it paid off. WENDY IWANCZUK you won yesterdays necklace . congrats please msg me for pick up info !
Onto Today's deal .. its a good one and I know cause I have used it and LOVE her to bits!

 Angie Duce will be offer a full set of Lash extensions today to 1 Lucky winner...and she does an amazing job .. Im sporting them right now..

so Here are the steps ...
1. Head over to and give her some Love by Liking her page...There is a point right there ...
2. Head over to and If you already like this page then to get your point SHARE McClung photography facebook statues on your page ...thats another point ..
3. And to get another 2 points today .. Write on my wall and tell me something you LOVE about Christmas .. EASY!! right ! 
GOOD luck everyone and have fun!!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Day one of 7!! ITS Christmas TIME!!!

Its that time of year again for the big 7 days of Christmas and I'm so excited to share some AMAZING prizes !! so this is the Rules of how to play this little game .. Each day a new gift will be up for grabs, You can win Heck you can win every day if your awesome! I will showcase the Gift that is up for grabs at the beginning of the day and it available until Midnight when the Day closes .. at that time I will pick a name from the draw and announce the winner the NEXT morning along with showcasing the new prize for the day! So how do you enter well here we go ...
First here is the Prize for the day
This Beautiful Vintage pocket watch necklace ... I want it !! 
1. So now to enter you have to head over ..Here to My McClung photography ..Like the page !Thats 1
2. Head over to the place were this beautiful necklace has been donated from ..Thanks Jen for joining the fun hurry head over HERE to Vintage Time and LIKE her page! thats entry #2
3. If you already like these pages then head over to McClung photography.. and SHARE the link to the give away with EVERYONE you can think of .. EACH share gets a entry ! Share it on a group that's a point .. share it on a friends timeline that's a point , share it on your page that's a point .. EASY EASY EASY!! then comment on my page and tell me you did it !
4. Than one last thing ... This gets you 5 Entry s.. Write in your statues I LOVE McClung photography 7 days of Christmas giveaway ..go check it out you will love it also ! 
Thats  all so go now and spread the word and try to win this awesome prize .. you wont be disappointed with it and I promise all the prizes coming up you will also LOVE!!