Monday, December 2, 2013

Day 2 of the Chirtsmas give away !

Well how exciting , we had over 120 names submitted in the random name picker .. lots had there name in 5, 6, 7 times .. so good job and Thank you...and with that one of your winners did just this .. she was busy sharing and updating her statues and it paid off. WENDY IWANCZUK you won yesterdays necklace . congrats please msg me for pick up info !
Onto Today's deal .. its a good one and I know cause I have used it and LOVE her to bits!

 Angie Duce will be offer a full set of Lash extensions today to 1 Lucky winner...and she does an amazing job .. Im sporting them right now..

so Here are the steps ...
1. Head over to and give her some Love by Liking her page...There is a point right there ...
2. Head over to and If you already like this page then to get your point SHARE McClung photography facebook statues on your page ...thats another point ..
3. And to get another 2 points today .. Write on my wall and tell me something you LOVE about Christmas .. EASY!! right ! 
GOOD luck everyone and have fun!!