Sunday, December 1, 2013

Day one of 7!! ITS Christmas TIME!!!

Its that time of year again for the big 7 days of Christmas and I'm so excited to share some AMAZING prizes !! so this is the Rules of how to play this little game .. Each day a new gift will be up for grabs, You can win Heck you can win every day if your awesome! I will showcase the Gift that is up for grabs at the beginning of the day and it available until Midnight when the Day closes .. at that time I will pick a name from the draw and announce the winner the NEXT morning along with showcasing the new prize for the day! So how do you enter well here we go ...
First here is the Prize for the day
This Beautiful Vintage pocket watch necklace ... I want it !! 
1. So now to enter you have to head over ..Here to My McClung photography ..Like the page !Thats 1
2. Head over to the place were this beautiful necklace has been donated from ..Thanks Jen for joining the fun hurry head over HERE to Vintage Time and LIKE her page! thats entry #2
3. If you already like these pages then head over to McClung photography.. and SHARE the link to the give away with EVERYONE you can think of .. EACH share gets a entry ! Share it on a group that's a point .. share it on a friends timeline that's a point , share it on your page that's a point .. EASY EASY EASY!! then comment on my page and tell me you did it !
4. Than one last thing ... This gets you 5 Entry s.. Write in your statues I LOVE McClung photography 7 days of Christmas giveaway ..go check it out you will love it also ! 
Thats  all so go now and spread the word and try to win this awesome prize .. you wont be disappointed with it and I promise all the prizes coming up you will also LOVE!!